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Charlotte Garside


I have lived in Dorchester for nearly five years, and it is the place I bought my two young, beautiful children into. It is my family’s home and sanctuary. I have been involved in the Abbey’s children’s group, Dorchester festival, the tea rooms and I am currently on the preschool committee. My family, the community, the village buildings and surroundings are all reasons why I have nominated myself as a councillor.


Much like in The Wizard of Oz, any respectable group needs a heart. I put it to you that I am the Tin (wo)man. My drive, motivation and love for Dorchester are all from the heart.  As a result, I do not want my statement to essentially be a CV. My running for parish council is far more personal than that and I suspect, judging by the fact you are reading these statements, it is personal for you too.

Dorchester has many wonderful qualities and I’d like to thank the current PC for their hard work but I believe there is still the opportunity to nurture it further. In keeping with other candidate’s ideals, I believe DPC can be a dynamic, exciting and engaging asset to the village, achieved through consultation, collaboration and communication with the wider community.


Change can be good and progress for the sake of progress should be avoided but with careful and respectful dialogues run between the parish council and village, compromises can be reached. We are merely tenants in this village, there will be future generations, so it is our duty to make it accessible to and desirable for them too. However, I am someone who values heritage and tradition and I understand the importance of maintaining the charm and charisma of our lovely village. I strongly believe compromises can be made.


Lastly, I am very motivated to support local business, reach for a sustainable and green future in the village and support the protection of natural assets in and around the village whilst being open to and realistic about the need for empathetic development.


If elected to the PC, I hope to offer perspectives on behalf of social groups that historically have been under-represented. I would like my input to add to and not deflect from the village and community’s current charm and ultimately, I am keen to work with and not against the community on issues that matter to us all.


Thank you for reading my statement and I look forward to hearing your views.

Charlotte Garside: Team Members

This website is published by Jon Brydges, 36 Martins Lane, Dorchester on Thames, OX10 7JE and hosted with WIX.COM (UK) LIMITED, Mazars, 30 Old Bailey, London, United Kingdom, EC4M 7AU

Promoted by Jon Brydges on behalf of Mike Atkinson, Jon Brydges, Mike Corran, Charlotte Garside, Chris Hill, Michael Rimmer, John Taylor, Becky Waller & Mark Williams

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